On 1 July 2022, Western Australia will have an increase in the number of Sappers with the formation of 13 Engineer Regiment. It will double in size with a Regimental Headquarters, the incorporation of the existing 13 Field Squadron and the formation of the new specialist 22 Squadron. which is the first of its kind in Defence, with a deliberate focus on science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
22 Squadron has been created as a STEM incubator, adding capabilities including rapid fabrication, robotics, and decision support, to enhance both internal Defence and external industry organisations.
On the 1st July 2022, the Chief of the Army issued an ‘Order of the Day’ announcing the forming of the new Engineer Regiment and the Australian Army ‘Order of Battle’ will be updated to include the new 13 Engineer Regiment.
For the first six months the new Regiment will be commanded by LTCOL Michael Hadlow (AUSTINT) and WO1 Paul Dehnert (RAINF) who will be known as the (Capability Implementation Team) will head up the raising and transformation of the unit and its capabilities. In January 2023 an Engineer CO and RSM will march in and take command of the Regiment.
22 Squadron has been created as a STEM incubator, adding capabilities including rapid fabrication, robotics, and decision support, to enhance both internal Defence and external industry organisations.
In a deliberate move, the IXG/MakerSpace lab was integrated into 22 Squadron, acting as a backbone for 13 Engineer Regiment based STEM capabilities.
MakerSpace, based at Irwin Barracks, is equipped with a comprehensive workshop, electronics lab and 3D printers, open to all services and encouraging innovation, non-linear thinking and idea sharing.
The increase in personal will be a gradual process over a period of 3 to 5 years before the Regiment will be up to full strength. There will be a mix of Full Time Component and Part Time sappers with the majority being Part Time Component.
Being an Engineer Regiment, they will be a stand-alone unit and although there will be no changes to the existing 13 Field Squadron, they will continue to operate in the current role, but will no longer be under command of 16 Battalion Battle Group, they will now be in-support of 16 Battalion RWAR.
On Tuesday 05 July 2022 there was an Establishment Ceremony at Irwin Barracks with MAG GEN Craig Williams as the Official Guest.
16 BN GP marched on and the order given for 16 BN to detach from 13 FD SQN, then 13 FD SQN formed up to the side and the LTCOL Michael Hadlow and WO1 Paul Dehnert and others posted in, marched on taking up their post and all members on parade then patched on to become 13 ENGR REGT, the newest Regiment in the Australian Army then marched off the parade ground. After the parade everyone was invited back to the Ryan Club for festivities.