Welcome to the Royal Australian Engineer’s Association of Western Australia Inc’s website.
Whether you are serving or retired WE NEED YOU! The Association has a great fellowship and some could be your mates that you haven’t seen for a number of years. Each state in Australia has a branch that you can join and are in contact with each other so that you can find missing mates. The annual membership fee is minimal and will not create a burden on your pocket. Every quarter the association has a newsletter mail-out either by post or email, the Purple Circle offers a great read catching up with what is happening in our Association and news of what is happening in Engineer Units around Australia.

By joining the RAE Association of WA you not only get a quarterly newsletter. You also have the opportunity to catch up with a lot of your old mates at our meetings, get togethers, special events and functions.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world you can still join, we currently have members from every state and territory in Australia and some living overseas.Sign up now and see why so many Sappers are enjoying the company of their mates like they did in their service years.