The Royal Australian Engineers Association of WA (Inc) was formed shortly after World War 1. Correspondence held in our archives date back to 1926.The Association was originally set up for all Sappers from World War 1 and joined by Sappers from World War II. Over the years of the 1970’s and 80’s the numbers decreased until there were very few members remaining. In 1992, the late Mick Ryan started to reinvigorate the Association by opening up the membership to all Sappers who were/are part of the Corps as Regular and Reserve soldiers whether they are currently serving or retired.The Association currently has 6 life members, 191 members and 9 honorary members (World War 2 Veterans and Widows). The numbers change periodically as new members join and sadly as members pass on.Our Annual General Meeting is the first meeting after 30th June each year and periodic General Meetings are held approximately every two months. Meetings are held at the Osbourne Park RSL located at the corner of Main Street and Cape Street, Osbourne Park.Committee meetings are held at the request of the President.